Prodotti PONTI VIADOTTI componenti Bridges viaducts components Our company can take on complex projects such as construction of single-span...
Prodotti Edifici pluripiani e parcheggi Multi-storey buildings and parking lots Alcos boasts a long experience in multi-storey structures since...
Prodotti Rampe elicoidali Spiral ramps Alcos is the absolute leader in the field of production of precast ramps, both...
Prodotti Tribune antisismiche Anti-seismic grandstands For decades, ALCOS has been a leading builder of terrace steps for outdoor and...
Prodotti Opere marittime e a progetto Maritime and project works Alcos has its own specialised unit in which its...
Prodotti Rampe scala prefabbricate su misura Stair ramps Alcos has always been the leader in Italy for the design...
Prodotti Vani scala – ascensore Stairwells – lift With more than 40 years of experience in the field of...